The chef beloved by Quebecers, Jonathan Garnier, is launching forty culinary products and prepared meals, available exclusively at Maxi, to make mealtime easier! Among the tasty selection, we find ready-to-enjoy (quick lunches), ready-to-heat (quick dinners), ready-to-impress (for a more luxurious meal), and ready-to-cook meals. The best part? The prices are also « taste » good […]
What is self-care REALLY about?
Fall, aka self-care season, is upon us and I couldn’t be happier! Like many of you, I enjoy lounging in the sun during the warmer months, but my favourite time of the year is when the leaves start changing colours and we can finally wear pants. YES! While the days are getting a little cooler […]
My 5 tips to Overcome Your fear of Cooking for One
In honour of the 3rd season of Queer Eye that was just released on Netflix, I decided to channel my inner Antoni and write a post on food! More specifically, I want you to overcome your fear of cooking and have fun while preparing meals for yourself. “Ugh, cooking for one… Is there anything more […]
7 ways to Stay Motivated When Nothing Goes Right
To be completely honest with you, my writing has been in a drought lately. More specifically, I lost nearly all my motivation for this blog of mine. After going through tough times in the fall and then seeing my stats plummet, hanging on to my dreams and staying driven about my blog has been arduous. […]
2018 Recap: Another Year in Blogging
2018 is already coming to an end and boy has it flown by! It seems as though yesterday I was writing my goals for the new year, and here I am, writing my 2018 recap! Last January, I had written a few goals for me to reach over the year. Even though I did very well […]