Re-Nails Eco-Friendly Press On Nails

Re-Nails press-on nails review Peacock

I can spend hours doing my makeup, but I’m pretty lazy when it comes to the rest, including hair and nails. The easier, the better, but I still wanna look glam! Ugh, the struggle… I’ve already shared with you my love for press on nails, so I was beyond happy when Re-Nails USA offered me to […]

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What is self-care REALLY about?

self-care tips fall crystals candles

Fall, aka self-care season, is upon us and I couldn’t be happier! Like many of you, I enjoy lounging in the sun during the warmer months, but my favourite time of the year is when the leaves start changing colours and we can finally wear pants. YES! While the days are getting a little cooler […]

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