Re-Nails Eco-Friendly Press On Nails

Re-Nails press-on nails review Peacock

I can spend hours doing my makeup, but I’m pretty lazy when it comes to the rest, including hair and nails. The easier, the better, but I still wanna look glam! Ugh, the struggle… I’ve already shared with you my love for press on nails, so I was beyond happy when Re-Nails USA offered me to […]

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Reduce waste : 10 tips for beauty addicts

10 tips to generate less waste when you are a beauty addict

Reduce, reuse, recycle. You’ve heard it before, maybe a million times, but it is not always easy to reduce waste in all aspects of our lives. Shifting to a zero waste lifestyle or just aiming to be more eco-friendly when you are a beauty addict can be a real challenge. From shampoo bottles to cotton […]

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