How to Make Your Own Lipstick Palette

how to DIY Homemade Lipstick Palette Vueset

Being a makeup addict or a freelance makeup artist is tough, not only on the wallet but also on how we use our space. A big concern for many of us is “how do I fit ALL my makeup in a minimum of space?”. Well there are a few tips and tricks that have proven to be useful, and here is one: fit your plethora of lipsticks into palettes! In this post, I’ll teach you how to make your own lipstick palette.

Before buying an empty lipstick palette, I shopped online and found this one by Vueset. Perfect size and reasonable price: I bought 3 of them! Then, when came the time to actually put my lipsticks in my new palettes, I wasn’t sure how to do it, and I stumbled upon this video, made by the fantastic makeup artist Wayne Goss:

I was so surprised and happy to see that he used the same palettes as me! I wasn’t sure of the safety of putting the palettes into the microwave, but I have tested it and it is fine. HOWEVER: the plastic will warm up a little, so be careful with that, and DO NOT microwave the lipsticks for too long. 10-15 seconds at a time is fine. Also, do not overcook the lipsticks, as it will ruin them. Here is the complete process:

Buy an empty palette that corresponds to your needs

empty lipstick palette vueset

Choose the lipsticks to put in the palette

Select the lipsticks you want to put in there, place them in whatever order you like and depot them. Use A LITTLE bit of lipstick, as they will expand a little once melted.

make your own lipstick palette

Melt the lipsticks in the microwave

15 seconds at a time MAX. If you are not sure if your palette is microwave safe, do a little research or contact the fabricant. An even safer method (but more time consuming) is to melt the lipsticks in a spoon over the flame of a candle and pour the lipsticks one by one into the palette.

Let the lipsticks cool down

And that’s it, you are done!! Enjoy your compact lipstick collection!

make your own lipstick palette

Hope you found this post useful! Let me know if you have any great lipstick tips!

-xox- Marika

Beat Around the Blush

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